Your Donesafe site is live! Now what?

Click the links to see what’s offered at Annual and in the Additional Services

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Annual, or Additional Services below!

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Overall account management will be coordinated by Chris Webster. He’s been a Donesafe Implementation Project Manager since 2019. Chris has implemented clients of all sizes - from seven licenses and one module up to 200,000 licenses and 25+ modules. He is working with our clients and training the next wave of our support staff.

We are working closely with HSI, the parent company of Donesafe Australia, to ensure we have the latest feature release information and access to backend support.

We’ll ensure that your system is not only Donesafe, but, done right!

Account Support and Management

Virtual and in-field training support AND form creation and implementation

Want to discuss other options or the pricing?

Who are we?

Chris Webster was Wildnote’s first archaeology consultant back in 2018. He created agency exports for several states and the first set of standard archaeology forms. Chris has been using Wildnote at his own company (DIGTECH) for projects as small as cell tower surveys and as large as 20,000 acre surveys. He’s helped many people navigate what for most is unfamiliar territory and is leading a team that will provide you with efficiency and success.



Don't navigate the digital waters alone!

You need a digital advocate to save time AND money. Don't waste time on equipment that isn't right for the job and more importantly - isn't tested.

What do we do?

Negotiate Contracts

Recommend the Right Gear

Participate in Consultations with Tech Companies

Conduct Company Training - Virtually or On Site

Contact us today to set up a free consultation:

Ready to do this? Want to have a tech consultant on retainer for the next 365 days?

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Annual Tech Retainer

We'll be on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for an entire year. Have a question about the new iPad? We'll answer it. Need to know the best GPS to pair with your smartphone? We can help. Have a meeting with another company about your technology needs? We'll be there to ask the right questions.


We are a Service-Connected Disabled Veteran Owned Nevada Small Business. We believe in ultra-high efficiency and in using whatever means necessary to get the job done quickly, under budget, and more importantly, on time.

Where we work

  • Nevada
  • California

Services Provided

  • Compliance Projects, Including
    • Section 106
    • Section 110
    • NEPA Assessments
    • NAGPRA
  • FCC Forms 620 and 621 Compliance (Communications Towers)
  • Construction Monitoring
  • Literature Searches
  • Archival Research
  • Records Searches
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Historic Context Preparation
  • Archaeological Surveys
  • Site Record Digitization

Contact Chris Webster for more information:

Fill in the form to submit a question or request a service.