The Reno Coalition of Reason issued a press release today annoucing the erection of two billboards in the Reno, Nevada area.
Thanks to Ben for getting the photo up so quickly!
The press release was sent out to all of the major news outlets in the area and as of this writting, only one interview has been conducted. None of the major news outlets have reported on the billboards and the interview has not appeared on KRNV website. The interview was conducted prior to the afternoon news broadcast but was apparently not important enough to make it on air. Our hope is that it makes it to the evening news cast.
We hope that the news media in Reno don't decide to brush this ad campaign under the rug. The billboards are in well-traveled areas so a lot of people should see them. Also, the Reno Coalition of Reason is marching in the Nevada Day Parade on Saturday. So, at least a few thousand people will hear of us at that time.
We're hoping to gain new members and to step up our activism with these two events. We aren't looking to disparage anyone's religion or make anyone upset. We just want people to know that we are here and that if they think the way we do, there are others like them. You don't have to believe in a god to be a good person.
PLEASE comment if you have an opinion.
Written in Sparks, NV.